Kowalstwo Artystyczne Łódź - Iron Art
Kowalstwo Artystyczne Łódź, Warszawa
wersja polska kowalstwa artystycznegowersja angielska kowalstwa artystycznego

+48 887 432 093
Łódź, ul. Brzezińska 38


In the assortment of our Iron-Art art studio, you will find artistic products made of metal, kept in the Art Nouveau climate and decorated with the greatest precision and sensitivity.

We offer metalwork for church furnishings: church piggy banks, church candlesticks, church cross reconstruction services, restoration of mass chalices, as well as metalwork-elements for home furnishings, including picture frames, mirror frames, decorative elements of artistic metalwork.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our products and to read the price list of products posted on our website.

Skarbonka kościelna
1. Church piggy bank in the form of a candlestick
Skarbonka kościelna w formie świecznika detal
2. Church piggy bank in the form of a candlestick - detail
Skarbonka kościelna w formie świecznika
3. Church piggy bank in the form of a candlestick
Skarbonka kościelna w formie świecznika
4. Church piggy bank in the form of a candlestick
Rekonstrukcja Krzyża Procesyjnego
5. Reconstruction of the Processional Cross
Renowacja Kielicha Mszalnego
6. Renovation of the Mass Chalice
Rekonstrukcja Krzyża Procesyjnego
7. Reconstruction of the Processional Cross
Rama obrazu niklowana
8. Nickel-plated picture frame
Rama lustra
9. Mirror frame
Ważka mała metalowa
10. Small metal dragonfly
Ważki małe metalowe
11. Small metal dragonflies
Szyld Zakładu Jubilerskiego
12. Signboard of the Jewelery Factory
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